About Me

I am a University Student.

I am a student studying Computer Science and Mathematics, with a focus in Data Science and Applied Mathematics!

Apart from academics, I serve as the Co-President for Women in STEM at my University, as well as the Treasurer for Students for Sensible Drug Policy! I am also a part of the Mathematics and Computer Science Society:)

Alongside my passion for technology, I also enjoy playing the piano, scrapbooking, and baking! Do not hesitate to check out my website and contact me for any questions or inquiries! Thanks for visiting :))


Here are some of my skills!

Software Devlopment/Engineering

iOS App Development


Libraries: pandas, OpenCV

R and SQL

R Programming and SQL for Data Visualization!!

Data Science


Below are a few projects that I have been working on!

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Notable Experiences

Here are a couple of my recent noteworthy experiences!

I Co-Founded Cord in early 2020, a mobile app based startup that is all about bridging the work-life gap, using the power of the gig economy. Cord hopes to both help people find part time work, and help others find assistance for their household tasks, all within minutes.
We hope to launch in Summer 2021. Stay tuned!

Co-Founder and Tech Lead

I have also served as the Chief Operating Officer of Legato Lingua since 2018! Legato Lingua is a non-profit company, that aims to provide free language education to primarily elementary and middle school aged children. We started in the Bay Area and have now expanded to Richmond, Virginia, having taught over 1100 students in 19 locations.

Chief Operating Officer
Legato Lingua

Contact Me

Thanks for visiting my page! Contact Me if you would like to chat, and/or if you would like a copy of my resume!

Contact Info


